The Transition to Digital: Workflows for Functional Esthetic Success

This program  will allow the participant to immerse themselves in the latest digital technologies, while learning to plan for optimum esthetic and functional outcomes. Special emphasis will be placed on how intraoral scans, digital photographs, CBCT, virtual articulation and design software interface to plan cases at a very high level.  Techniques will be illustrated to show how these workflows will lead to increased efficiency, predictability and accuracy.  Both hardware and software options  will be discussed to assess how these technologies best fit for each doctors office and if it makes sense for the practice to purchase the software, or work with a dental laboratory who can drive the process. Honoring the special Pankey anniversary Dr. Cranham will devote the last 20 minutes to  Work-Life Balance.

You will learn:

  • How to mount casts on a virtual articulator in MINUTES-without STONE OR WAX.
  • How to use the 3Shape Lab Premier toolbox to design a smile/occlusion, and how this saves hours of time with far better outputs.
  • How 3D Printing is revolutionizing todays restorative practice.
  • Why “virtual trial equilibration” is a game changer for the Dentist that cares about occlusal design.
  • Why “data stacking” takes both simple and complex implant planning to another of visualization for true “prosthetically driven implant workflows”.
  • How to determine the best path for the implementation of these technologies into your practice. Does owning he software make sense? Or does working with a trained laboratory that controls your cases, make more sense.
  • How to design an occlusal splint in 15 minutes, and why these 3D printed orthotics are the best appliances Dr. Cranham has seen in 30 years of dentistry.
  • How Lee Culp’s job as a master technician has evolved in the last decade, and how he sees his role, supporting todays restorative dentist, and surgical teams.